Previously known as The Villas at Henderson Pass

16465 Henderson Pass, San Antonio, TX 78232

(726) 262-5906
(210) 508-2160

The Summit at Henderson Pass in San Antonio, Texas, has received a plethora of reviews from residents, and today, we will be delving into the top complaints to provide an honest and comprehensive review of the complex. From superficial renovations to security concerns and rude staff, let’s explore the issues that current and former residents have faced during their tenancy.

1. Superficial “Renovations” and Unjustifiable Rent Increases

Residents have expressed their disappointment with the so-called “renovations” done to the complex. One resident, who lived there for five years, noted that after the property was bought by a new company, they started extensive renovations that amounted to little more than cosmetic changes. Despite this, rent prices were increased significantly. This left residents feeling like they were paying much more for minimal improvements.

2. Poor-Quality Renovations and Maintenance Issues

The quality of renovations has been called into question, with reports of doorknobs and kitchen cabinets falling off, unsealed kitchen counters that stain easily, and peeling bathtub varnish. In addition, maintenance requests seem to fall on deaf ears, with one resident sharing that their issues were dismissed as “normal.” This has led to ongoing struggles with broken appliances, water damage, and improper sealing of doors and windows, affecting temperature control.

3. High Move-Out Charges and Unfair Fees

Former residents have complained about being charged excessive fees upon moving out, even for minor issues. This has left a sour taste in the mouths of those who have already endured other issues during their tenancy.

4. Pest Control and Mold Concerns

The complex seems to have a problem with pest control, as residents have reported giant cockroach infestations, forcing them to take matters into their own hands and spray for bugs themselves. Additionally, water leaks have resulted in mold issues, particularly in bathrooms, posing health risks and creating an unpleasant living environment.

5. Security Risks and Car Break-Ins

Broken gates and insufficient security measures have led to a rise in car break-ins and even car thefts. Residents are advised not to leave any valuables in their vehicles, and those owning specific car models, such as Kias, are warned of an increased risk of theft. Management’s lack of urgency in addressing these security concerns has left residents feeling vulnerable.

6.Lack of Proper Pet Waste Management

Dog owners at the complex have complained about the abundance of dog poop around the premises, indicating a lack of proper pet waste management. This not only creates an unsanitary environment but also affects the overall aesthetics of the complex.

7. Unresponsive and Ineffective Management

Summit at Henderson Pass’s management has been described as inconsistent and unresponsive, often failing to address residents’ concerns in a timely manner. Emails go unanswered, and issues are left unresolved. This has led to a sense of frustration and dissatisfaction among residents.

8. Online Misrepresentation and Incentivized Reviews

There are whispers among residents that the complex offers gift cards in exchange for positive reviews, calling into question the authenticity of online reviews. This tactic misrepresents the actual living conditions and experiences of residents, misleading prospective tenants.

9. Rude and Discriminatory Staff

Several residents have had negative encounters with the staff, particularly in the leasing office. One specific employee, Inez, has been repeatedly mentioned as being rude, unhelpful, and dismissive. There are also reports of discrimination and rude behavior directed towards black women, creating an uncomfortable and hostile environment.

10. Inadequate Restroom Access

Residents and their guests have expressed frustration over the lack of after-hours restroom access. This inconvenience poses a problem, especially when the management office is closed, leaving visitors with no options.

11. Noisy Environment

Peaceful living seems to be a challenge at Summit at Henderson Pass, with residents complaining about noise issues. This could be attributed to thin walls, inadequate soundproofing, or a lack of respect for quiet hours among tenants.

12. Poor Drainage and Plumbing Issues

Backed-up drains and plumbing problems are a common occurrence, with reports of toilets flooding and water pouring through air filters, soaking carpets. These issues cause inconvenience and potential damage to residents’ belongings.

13. Broken Mailboxes

The complex seems to struggle with maintaining functional mailboxes, as residents have reported broken mailboxes that go unrepaired for extended periods. This leads to concerns about mail security and the potential for mail-related identity theft.

14. Unsanitary Conditions and Dumpster Issues

Residents have noticed unsanitary conditions around the dumpsters, with discarded furniture and trash piling up. This not only attracts pests but also creates an eyesore and a potential health hazard.

15. Inadequate Security Lighting

In addition to the security risks posed by broken gates, residents have also complained about insufficient lighting in certain areas of the complex. This makes it easier for potential intruders to go unnoticed and increases the sense of danger, especially when returning home after dark.

16. Lack of AC in Common Areas

The workout room, which is meant to provide a comfortable space for residents to exercise, lacks air conditioning. This results in an uncomfortable environment, with residents complaining about cat hair and fur issues, likely due to the absence of proper ventilation.

17. Difficulty with Drawers and Cabinets

In addition to the issues with falling cabinets, residents have also reported difficulty opening and closing drawers and cabinets. This suggests that the renovations or maintenance work performed on these fixtures was not up to standard.

18. Online Review Response Concerns

While management does respond to online reviews, residents have noticed a pattern. They often promise to make changes, but these promises seem hollow, with no real improvement in the issues mentioned. Additionally, former employees’ names are still being used in responses, even though they no longer work at the complex, raising questions about the authenticity of these responses.

19. Inadequate Security for Residents’ Cars

Beyond the issues with car break-ins and thefts, residents have also expressed concerns about the overall security of their vehicles. This includes reports of vandalism and a lack of proper security measures to deter potential intruders.

20. Misleading Website Images

Prospective tenants are warned that the images on the complex’s website may not accurately represent the actual living conditions. This form of false advertising has left many residents feeling deceived, as they expected better conditions than what they encountered upon move-in.

If you’re a current or past resident of Summit at Henderson Pass, we’d love to hear from you! Do you share similar sentiments about the potential drawbacks listed above? Or, perhaps you’ve had a completely different experience. Please take a moment to share your thoughts and leave a review. Your insights will not only help prospective residents make informed decisions but also encourage management to address any consistent areas of concern. By sharing your honest feedback, you can play a vital role in shaping the future experiences of those considering Summit at Henderson Pass as their potential home.

6 thoughts on “Top 20 Complaints About Summit at Henderson Pass, San Antonio, TX: A Comprehensive Review”
  1. wow, this place looks nothing like the website makes it out to be. i live nearby and my lease is expiring soon, so i’ve been looking around in the area and just wow… horrendous. i can’t imagine what it’s like to be an actual tenant here.


  3. I’ve had NO AC for THREE MONTHS at this point. Absolutely ridiculous! I’ve talked to some people around the complex, and I’m not the only one. The city code enforcement needs to be involved ASAP. I’m surprised none of these buildings have been condemned at this point. There are leaks EVERYWHERE!

  4. I’ve had a nightmare experience living at the Summit at Henderson Pass Apartments in San Antonio, Texas. From the moment I moved in, I’ve encountered a nonstop stream of problems, including leaky faucets, broken appliances, and inconsistent maintenance that takes an eternity to resolve. The complex is often dirty and poorly maintained, with trash and debris scattered throughout the grounds, and the parking situation is a joke. Despite my repeated attempts to report these issues, management seems completely uninterested in addressing my concerns, and I’ve been met with a lack of communication and transparency. Overall, I would strongly advise against renting here – there are far better options in San Antonio that actually care about their residents.

  5. Dishwasher hasn’t worked for 5 months. I moved in Feb 2024 and my dishwasher has not worked since. I am now on my third maintenance req because the first one was removed after I put in a second one a while later. The second one was cancelled or something but I was never informed of that via email or text. My ceiling fan conveniently just stopped working so I guess we’ll see how long it takes to get that resolved. My neighbor’s water heater has been leaking for 3 months as well, that also hasn’t been properly fixed.

  6. I’ve been a resident at Summit at Henderson Pass Apartments for a while now, and I can confidently say that it’s been a nightmare. The lack of maintenance and attention to detail is appalling. My air conditioning unit has been broken for MONTHS, leaving me to swelter in the Texas heat with no relief. The management team seems to be completely unbothered by this, and I’ve had to constantly follow up just to get any kind of acknowledgement.

    But that’s not even the worst of it. Roaches are a constant problem, both inside and outside my apartment. I’ve seen them scurrying across my kitchen counters, in my bathroom, and even in my bedroom. It’s disgusting and unacceptable.

    The appliances are also subpar. My dryer is essentially useless, taking multiple cycles to dry even the smallest loads. And don’t even get me started on the leaks. I’ve had to deal with water damage from my kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and shower, not to mention the constant dripping from the ceiling. It’s like they’re trying to drive me crazy.

    But what really takes the cake is the complete lack of security. The front gate is always broken, leaving the complex vulnerable to anyone who wants to wander in. And good luck getting your mail or packages delivered – the mailboxes are constantly broken, and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had important items stolen. The parking lot is also a hotbed of crime, with broken glass from car break-ins a regular sight.

    It’s clear that the management team at Summit at Henderson Pass Apartments is not interested in providing a safe or comfortable living environment for their residents. If you value your sanity and your belongings, stay far, far away from this place.

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